The art of Lina Iris Viktor
I can’t now recall how I came cross Lina Iris Viktor’s artwork. But I do recall doing a double take and stopping in my tacks when I did. Her work was striking, her technique precise and her perspective sacred. She was telling a story by re-kindling something from the old world whilst making a statement about the contemporary. In her first major solo exhibition in the UK, the British-Liberian displayed over 60 works at The Autograph gallery many which were seen for the first time.
The former filmmaker, model and actress, Farida Khelfa, summarised my reaction to Viktor’s work (amongst my reaction to many others) best:
“We understand things even before we are able to articulate them. And that’s the power of art.”
We all have moments of familiarity when you think you’ve discovered something new but only to really discover that a part of you knew all along. Instinct surpasses logic which is why you would feel something, a knowing of some kind, before you are even able to articulate it. Viktor’s work stirs this same emotion, that of excitement, engagement and resonation without warning.
Drawing inspiration from African symbolism and Ancient Egypt, Viktor plays with black and luminous 24 karat gold to tell her story. Even if it’s not to your taste, you can’t deny its profound presence. Here’s a glimpse into the electric exhibition…
Art keynote at University of Michigan
If you’re into exploring new ideas and getting insight into other people’s lives, their growth and journey, this talk will be worth watching. A couple of years ago Viktor did a keynote at Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan where she shared her inspirations such as the Yves Klein’s blue, how she came about producing her distinctive style and the significance behind her art…
“You can’t control people’s reception to things but you can definitely coach an experience.”
“In limitation you have the absolute freedom to explore. If you limit the choices you have, that means you can explore infinitely the ideas around those choices.””