Like when…
You suddenly halt, because you saw something you liked.
You do a double take, because you saw someone you liked.
You start slowing down, to read something you might like.
Things that make me stop walking is about indulging in all the things that literally make you stop in your tracks.
Ultimately it’s about celebrating aesthetics, its evolving role in our lives both creatively and commercially as well as sharing an informed perspective. This blog is a curated edit of my life and the world through my eyes. So you’ll find we’ll cover everything from Art, Food, Design, Fashion, Interiors, Literature, Architecture, Self-development, Love & Relationships...and everything in between.
If something floods a wave of emotion inside of you, it’s worth spending time on it.
Raison D’être
I remember many years ago sitting in the hair salon, Toni and Guy, around the time when they newly launched their book. The hairdresser passed me a copy whilst she chopped away at my hair and I flicked through the glossy images soaking in their story.
In conversation, the hairdresser remarked Toni and Guy had a very eventful life. And I remember responding along the lines of 'yes, but if you think about it, everyone can fill a book with their life. It's about what you choose to share and how'.
It seemed like she wasn't expecting that response and somberley replied 'I guess so'.
Magic doesn’t reside in the big moments. Nor do you need a string of extraordinary events to have a truly extraordinary life.
Ultimately, the stories we tell ourselves and the implicit beliefs we create through them is what shapes us.
And so, you can take Things That Make Me Stop Walking as a discerned perspective of a life and aesthetic.
Because… should we not tell stories with intent?
What’s in a name?
The Thing that made me stop walking
Does the name Things that make me stop walking sound bizarre, long winded, grammatically annoying?
I was contemplating a name for a long time. And in this digital age it sometimes does seem as if anything that could have been thought of, has already been done so.
Then one sunny day I was walking down a London road with my colleague, and we came across a florist. Anyone who knows me knows I have the tendency to stop in my tracks to capture a moment (much to their dismay). And this moment was no different. I spotted the sunlight hitting these blooms and asked ‘Neil, do you mind if we stop for a second so I can take a picture?'
Super simple serendipity.
Londoner | Lover | Marketer
| Full time aesthete
I’m British Pakistani, born and raised in London where I still reside. I’ve worked in Marketing & Communications for nearly 10 years across many industries and have found a home in Technology.
Everything else we can share along the way.
Anam x
A small disclaimer:
One of my commitments to this blog is to never post something for the sake of it, so if I don’t enjoy it, find it worthwhile or useful to share, I’m not generating content; it’s quality over quantity. The same applies to photography; whilst I like to think I have a way with the camera, if I’m not able to capture an image which reflects how I saw something or even how I felt when I saw it, then I am not sharing that image. This then means my posting may not be regular (though I’ll try monthly to start) but it will be selective. In this corner of the internet content is not king, but instead actual stories take lead.