Florence pt 2- The city


I tend to take photographs of intricate details and often am not concerned about capturing the bigger picture (at times an accurate depiction of my mental state to be honest). In particularly where sight seeing is concerned, I’ll be the first to admit that most monuments as a whole bore me (OK I get it, that’s the Eiffel Tower, that’s the Big Ben etc etc and…. etc). But what I do love is indulging in its design . Whilst last week I shared a few of the best restaurants in Florence, this week let’s stroll through its streets to find the best angles of the entire city.

Another statement of honesty, when I visited Florence I didn’t think I’d be writing about it anywhere so I didn’t make note of a lot of the rich History and insight to share accurately here (on the flip side, I was too busy being actually experiencing it as opposed to documenting it. A rare occurrence in the current state of the digital world I know). Nonetheless, if you’re looking to be uplifted, during this lockdown,  if only briefly, here are some quick snaps to remind you that beauty still exists outside our four walls!


Four Seasons, Florence

Four Seasons Florence main lobby

Previously I mentioned that the Four Seasons in Frienze is one of the best properties in its portfolio. The hotel staff were kind enough to give us a guided tour during our stay, and I wish I took note of the stories that they shared about how this property came to be because this is no ordinary hotel. Seeped in History and Politics, the place used to be a 15th century Medici palace and has tried to retain and carefully restore much of its architecture, art and murals. In other words, the walls in all their splendour weren’t painted for tourists or specifically as decoration for the hotel, but are actually centuries old murals that were painted for the Medici family, one of the most powerful and wealthiest in History, back when they occupied the property.

On a side note, the other Four Seasons property which is truly breathtaking is the one in Syechelles. Even if you don’t stay there on your visit, be sure to pop in to take a look, you won’t regret it.

Florence Four Seasons dining room
Florence Four seasons detail
Florence Four Seasons ceiling
Florence Four Seasons entrance
Florence Four Seasons detail
Florence Four Seasons ceiling
Florence Four Seasons hallway
Florence Four Seasons garden entrance
Chapel in Four Seasons Florence


Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence

Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence

March in Florence
Uffizi gallery statues
River Arno

River Arno

Anam taking selfie in lift
Orange tree
Tulips in a glass vase
The Uffizi Gallery hallway

The Uffizi Gallery hallway

Uffizi gallery alcove
Hill top view of Florence
Panerai at Florence
Anam picking an orange
Sahir walking on the streets of Florence

What more from Florence


Florence pt 3 - The Gucci Garden


Florence pt 1 - Where to eat