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Daily skin care routine for glowing skin

Yes I am aware. Skincare is a saturated topic. Probably why I put off this post for so long. But I did also think at some point I'd like to share my experience because it was insightful for me to hear and learn from others.

A short reflection…

As a brown girl who was born and raised in London, it took me quite a while to realise not all products will work for me. And even longer to realise there is very little catered to skin of colour, though there is more in the market today than there ever was in the 90s and noughties, that's for sure. 

Ironically, my skin in my mid 30s has been the absolute best it has ever been. 20-year-old me has nothing on the mid-30s me. So much so, in fact, I have complete strangers complimenting my skin. 20-year-old me could never dream of such a thing. 

And when I get asked what I did, honestly… I couldn’t tell you though more than likely it was hormonal. I can share what worked but nothing ever lasted. I remember just waking up one morning and my skin was just clear. Probably not the response you are looking for but I think that's part of the problem: sometimes people assume something would fix our skin problems.

I say this because the beauty industry is truly on a rampage. It is unreal the amount of products there are and the eye watering price tags accompanying them. Many products are purely for marketing, boosting sales or self-indulging, the latter I’m not entirely against because it is the ritual of beauty which makes us feel special after all, and it’s a real treat being able to indulge in a new face oil or a luxury lipstick. 

However, when it comes to effectiveness, sometimes all that showmanship is really not necessary…should results be what you care about. The simplest routine truly is the best and the most expensive price tag doesn't always reflect effectiveness.

Whilst I do not have the answers, and I’m most certainly not a trained practitioner (can’t deny, sometimes they aren’t exactly helpful either) what I do have is my experience. 

So what causes problematic skin?

What I have come to learn is if you have topical acne / skin problems (problems which are surface level) you can use topical, over the counter products to manage them or even change your diet and lifestyle, and you’re likely to see a difference. However, if you have cystic acne or skin problems which are deeper (and those who have will be able to feel the difference between the two; topical issues you forget you have, cystic issues are deeper in your skin enabling one small spot to make your entire face ache), no amount of products, diet or lifestyle change is going to lead to a transformation as it's likely to do with a much deeper problem related to hormones (quite commonly) or some other internal imbalance (thyroid is another common issue…which is also related to hormones). 

Whilst my skin is certainly showing signs of aging, the overall complexion and clarity of my skin has never been so clear. I couldn't have asked for a better output to be honest, because I always wanted to age gracefully. So this combination of a mature face against clear skin is the result of me working hard to look the best version of myself.

So without further ado, here's the routine I established which has managed to give me a clearer complexion and allowed my make-up to glide on smoothly to enable a glowing finish…

The night time skin routine

Retinol & Chemical exfoliator & Face oil

I alternate between all three, I never use all three products on the same night. Despite having a routine, I also listen to my skin and break away from it if I have to; if I can wear retinol for three - four nights in a row I go for it. Then on the fifth night I can feel my skin has become incredibly sensitive and take a break with the face oil, or apply nothing at all, to let it breathe. 

Tip for amazing party skin:

Retinol one night & chemical exfoliator the night after.

I stumbled upon this process by complete accident as I often apply products randomly at night (I don’t have fixed days that I use specific products, I try to just listen to my skin and go with the flow). 

For example, if I have an event on Saturday, I would apply my retinol on Thursday night, and then chemical exfoliator on Friday night, then by Saturday my skin truly looks and feels flawless and I can apply my make-up smoothly and it settles on my skin beautifully.

Might not work for everyone as we all are different, but worth giving it a go.

The daytime skin routine

Hyaluronic acid + Moisturiser + Sunscreen

Unlike my nighttime routine, I layer all three of the products in my daytime skin care routine consecutively…

Closing thoughts on skincare 

I'm not a perfectionist. Whilst I would never say no to flawless skin, I'm certainly not going out of my way to achieve perfection. I like my skin being normal and the odd imperfection doesn’t bother me. As I've entered my mid-30s, the quest for mastering how to age gracefully is on.

What’s more, no product is ever going to vanquish those wrinkles, fine lines and large pores, for that you will need something invasive like fillers or surgery. However, well selected products can help enhance your appearance and in the process minimise unfavourable areas. Your skin is a living organism which will go through cycles and as women, given we already have period cycles, your skin is going to be highly reactive to it so I can't emphasise enough how important it is to listen to your body and not believe and buy into everything around you. The ultimate goal should be to work with your body, not against it.

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